Monday, March 18, 2013

The Right to Life

 by Nate Stoven
fig 1:

            Religion has, and always will play a role in politics. A political topic that has been repeatedly argued about is abortion. This topic has been argued back and forth for years, and will continually be a subject of debate throughout the United States. 
Abortion was legalized by the Supreme Court on January 22nd 1973 in the court case Roe v. Wade, but there were stipulations put in place. The court ruled that:
  •       During the first trimester of pregnancy the state could not regulate abortion.
  •        During the second trimester the state could regulate abortion if the mother was going to have health problems due to the pregnancy.
  •     When it came to the third trimester of pregnancy, the court ruled that the state could regulate abortion and that the right of the potential human life outweighed the mother’s right to privacy and the state could prohibit abortion.
        This has since been changed again to allow women to have an abortion through all nine months of pregnancy for basically any reason.
        The government has been the main authority on the topic, as it has been the Supreme Court who have been those deciding if abortion is constitutional or unconstitutional over the years. This topic will continually be debated because there hasn’t been an agreement on when a fetus is considered a human being.
      My personal belief is that when there is a potential of human life, it is morally wrong to have an abortion, because it is taking the life of a baby.  My conviction is that abortion should be illegal, and if there is potential of life we shouldn’t kill it. Those who are pregnant and don’t want their child should do something morally correct, such as putting the baby up for adoption. A baby shouldn’t be punished for your mistake.


  1. You made a very good point in the last paragraph and I definitely agree with you. But because the assignment required us to be limited in space, I think you should have used less of your post to talk about the history of abortion, and spent more time giving your opinion and why you believe that your opinion is best. Also, you could tie religion into your argument a bit more and give examples of what certain religions believe. As I stated earlier, I understand you were limited in space, so try and expound upon your opinion more in the final Issues paper. The picture is also very powerful because it calls upon the reader's sense of pathos and exposes the sanctity of human life.

    1. It was hard to try to get my point across in the limited amount of space. Thank you for realizing that. I agree that I should have given more of my opinion about abortion, but hopefully for the issues paper the background will be good.

  2. I feel you have to be careful with the topic of abortion. Abortion is a subject that has been argued over many, many times; you will need to make sure to provide a new perspective/ new information to make this argument effective. And you will also need to provide this fresh perspective to make the argument more relevant.

    1. I agree that abortion is a touchy subject. I hope to be able to make a new and valid point. I believe abortion is still an issue, due to it being a topic of debate in the recent presidential election. I plan on making a strong point.

  3. This is strong on set up, but weak on connecting the set up to the conclusion, and on connecting the introduction of the whole "Freely Expressed?" blog to this individual blog. In other words, it is weak in your support of your opinion. Certainly you feel these things about abortion, but what does this have to do with the general topic itself of expressing religion?

    As for just this blog itself, the conclusion is weak. Certainly, you believe abortion should be illegal. What is your basis? What backs up your argument? You make a strong point about the choice of the child, but you don't support it. If you strengthened your opinion and conclusion, it would be a powerful paper. You have more than enough documentation. Really drive home the point you want to make.

    1. I agree that my topic was hard to connect with the title of the blog. Religion was the main topic, and I believe that most people's view opinion of abortion stems from their religious and moral beliefs. With the issues paper being longer, I hope to be able to tie everything in together.
